Transferring apartments at Vinhomes D'capitale or at any other project needs to follow a certain order while many home buyers are confused and worried when starting the transaction. Below, TSH LAND will provide useful information when buying a house at Vinhomes D’capitale.
The process of transferring an apartment purchase contract at Vinhomes Smart City (or any real estate project) may change depending on the investor's regulations and the terms of the contract. Therefore, that process makes many customers worried and confused because they do not know what to do or what documents...
Before conducting land and house sales transactions, the most important issue is that the buyer needs to know how to view the land plot diagram and documents certifying land use rights. By correctly understanding the land plot map, you can capture important information to choose a real estate product that...
Buying and selling real estate is a legal transaction involving properties of great value and contains many risks, so it must be carried out in accordance with the regulations and order of the law. So what documents do parties participating in the transaction need to prepare to ensure their own...
Nowadays, sometimes when we wait to save enough money to buy a house, the price of that house has increased and the market has changed. Therefore, borrowing money to buy a house is a solution chosen by many people to settle down. To overcome the "barrier" of proving finances when...
Số chứng minh nhân dân (CMND), căn cước công dân (CCCD) trên sổ đỏ, sổ hồng là một trong những thông tin quan trọng để xác định rõ hơn về nhân thân và quyền của họ đối với thửa đất và tài sản gắn liền với đất. Vậy khi đổi...
When it comes to the area of an apartment, there are two most common ways to calculate the area: built-up area and carpet area. What is the built-up area? What is carpet area? How to calculate the area of an apartment? Those are some questions that many customers ask when...
Red book is the word that people often use to call Land Use Rights Certificate based on the color of the Certificate;Clause 16, Article 3 of the 2013 Land Law identifies this as an important legal deed verifying real estate ownership. However, many people still have misconceptions about the...